U.S. Army Computer Systems Command, A-1-563

On 15 May 1984, the United States Army Communications Command (USACC), a major command (MACOM) of the U.S. Army, was redesignated the United States Army Information Systems Command (USAISC). It was given the mission to manage the Information Mission Area (IMA), which was to place the responsibility for all areas of information management within the U.S. Army under one command.
On the same date, the U.S. Army Computer Systems Command (USACSC), a field operating activity of the Headquarters, Department of the Army Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations-Command, Control, Communications, and Computers (C4), located at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, was transferred to the USAISC as a major subordinate command (MSC). Both of these actions were authorized by Department of the Army General Order No. 26, dated 25 July 84.
(TIOH Drawing Number A-1-563)
Information & Plaques Courtesy of The Institute of Heraldry!!