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German, Bundeswehr
German, Bundeswehr
German, Bundeswehr
1./ FmBtl 210, Type 1
10. Panzerdivision - 10th Panzer Division, Type 1
10. Panzerdivision - 10th Panzer Division, Type 2
11. Deueingktgt 2006 Badakhshan, Type 1
11. Insepektion - 11th Inspection, Type 1
15. Deutsches Einsatzkontingent KFOR - 15. German contingent KFOR, Type 1
2./ Luffwaffen Ausbildungs Regiment 3 - 2nd / Luff weapons training Regiment 3, Type 1
4./ Luftlandeunterstutzungsbataillon 272 - 4th Airborne Battalion 272, Type 1
4th CZ Con 2006 Badakhshan, Type 1
7. /Fallschirmjagerbataillon 263 - 7. / Paratroop Battalion 263 , Type 1
Ausbildungskompanie 263 - Training Company 263, Type 1
Bogener Pioniere - Bogener Pioneers, Type 1
Commander, Kabul Multinational Brigade, ISAF, Type 1
Deutsches Einsatzkontingent ISAF - German mission contingent ISAF, Type 1
District Mayor of Baumholder, Type 1
European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Type 1
European Union in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Type 2
Feidjagerbataillon 251 - Feidjager Battalion 251, Type 1
Fernmeldekompanie NSE 4. Kontingent - Telecommunications Company NSE 4th contingent, Type 1
Feuerunterstutzungsbatterie 405 - Fire Support Battery 405, Type 1
Fliegende Abteilung 261 - Flying Division 261, Type 1
Flugabwehrbrigade 100 - Anti-aircraft Brigade 100, Type 1
Flugawehrraketengruppe 38 - Air Defense Missile Group 38, Type 1
Fuhrungsunterstutzungsbataillon 291 , Type 1
Gera-Seeth-Prenzlau-Dessau, Type 1
Kameradschaft Allem Voran - Camaraderie of everything, Type 1
Kameradschaftsverband Pz Aufkl Btl 7 e. V., Type 1
Kampfmittelbesitigungskompanie 21 - Weapons Extraction Company 21, Type 1
Kein Fernmelder Brigade - No Telegraph Brigade, Type 1
LGAN Fuhrungsakademie Der Bundeswehr , Type 1
LGAN SK, Type 1
Lippische Panzergrenadiere e.V. , Type 1
Lufttransportstutzpunkt 3 - Air transport point 3, Type 1
Luftwaffe Assta 3 - Air Force Assta 3, Type 1
Naval Special Forces Command, Type 1
ORF Balkan I / 06, Type 1
Panzer Artilleriebatterie KFOR - Panzer artillery battery KFOR, Type 1
Panzerartilleriebataillon 215 - Panzer Artillery Battalion 215, Type 1
Panzerartilleriebataillon 515 - Panzer Artillery Battalion 515, Type 1
Panzerbataillon 104 - Tank Battalion 104, Type 1
Panzerbrigade 12 Oberpfalz - Armored Brigade 12 Upper Palatinate, Type 1
Panzergrenadierbataillon 362 - Panzer Grenadier Battalion 362, Type 1
Panzergrenadierbrigade 30 - Panzer Grenadier Brigade 30, Type 1
Panzertruppenschule - Armor School, Type 1
Pionier Bataillon 761 - Pioneer Battalion 761, Type 1
Sapere aude!, Type 1
Stabskompanie 1. Panzerdision Uffz-Korps - Staff Company 1st Panzerdision Uffz Corps, Type 1
Stabskompanie Logistikregiment 46 - Headquarters company Logistics Regiment 46, Type 1
Standortaltester Wen-New-Tir - Site Older Wen-New-Tir, Type 1
Streitkrafteamt Abteilung G3 /G2 - Armed Forces Department G3/G2, Type 1
Taktisches Luftwaffen Geschwader 33 - Tactical Air Force Squadron 33, Type 1
Unteroffizerkoeps der 1. Kompanie - Sergeant cohorts of the 1st Company, Type 1
Unteroffizerschule Des Heeres, Lehrgruppe C - NCO School of the Army, Teaching Group C, Type 1
Unteroffizerschule Des Heeres, Lehrgruppe C - NCO School of the Army, Teaching Group C, Type 2
Unteroffizerschule Des Heeres, Lehrgruppe C - NCO School of the Army, Teaching Group C, Type 3
Unteroffizerschule Des Heeres, Lehrgruppe D - NCO School of the Army, Teaching Group D, Type 1
Unteroffziekorps Panzertruppenschule - Suboffice Corps, Type 1
Wir Glauben an die 210 - We believe in the 210th, Type 1
Zentrum Fur Kampfmittel beseitigung der Bundeswehr - Center for ordnance disposal of the Bundeswehr, Type 1
Zentrum Operative Information - Center Operative Information, Type 1
Zeutrun Fur Verifikationsaufgaben Der Bundeswehr - Zeutrun For verification tasks of the Bundeswehr, Type 1
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