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Army Service Stripes / Overseas Service Bars

Service Stripes / Overseas Service bars
A golden-lite, rayon-embroidered diagonal stripe,
3/16 inch wide and 1 5/16 inches long
A golden-lite rayon-embroidered diagonal stripe,
5/32 inch wide and 1 1/4 inches long
For each additional period of 3 years honorable service,
another service stripe is added above and parallel to the first stripe.
Overseas Service Bars
Large. A golden-lite rayon-embroidered bar,
3/16 inches wide and 1 5/16 inches long
Small. A golden-lite rayon-embroidered bar,
5/32 inch wide and 13/32 inch long
One overseas service bar is authorized for each 6–month period of active Federal service as a member of a U.S. Service outside CONUS IN A WAR ZONE.